Friday, June 21, 2024

Why Americans Should Support Israel Over Hamas and Palestine Introduction

Why Americans Should Support Israel Over Hamas and Palestine

The debate over the United States' support for Israel versus Palestine, particularly the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, is complex and deeply rooted in historical, political, and moral contexts. However, from a conservative perspective, several compelling reasons underscore why Americans should support Israel over Hamas and Palestine. These reasons span the domains of shared democratic values, strategic geopolitical interests, counterterrorism, and humanitarian concerns.

Shared Democratic Values

Israel stands as the only liberal democracy in the Middle East, embodying principles such as free elections, freedom of speech, and the rule of law. The country has a vibrant political landscape, where multiple parties compete, and citizens enjoy civil liberties akin to those in Western democracies. Conversely, Hamas, which governs Gaza, is a recognized terrorist organization by the United States, the European Union, and several other countries . Hamas seized control of Gaza in 2007 through violent means and has since maintained power through repressive tactics, including the suppression of political dissent, restriction of press freedoms, and execution of those deemed collaborators with Israel .

Strategic Geopolitical Interests

From a geopolitical standpoint, Israel is a crucial ally of the United States in a region marked by instability and conflict. The U.S. and Israel share strategic interests, including countering Iranian influence, combating terrorism, and ensuring the free flow of oil and commerce through the region's waterways. The longstanding military and intelligence cooperation between the two nations enhances American security and provides valuable insights into the region's complex dynamics . Supporting Israel also aligns with U.S. commitments to maintaining a balance of power in the Middle East, deterring aggression from hostile states and non-state actors.

Counterterrorism and Security Concerns

Hamas's charter explicitly calls for the destruction of Israel and the establishment of an Islamic state in its place . The group has a long history of perpetrating terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians, including suicide bombings, rocket attacks, and incursions . These actions not only endanger Israeli lives but also contribute to broader regional instability. By supporting Israel, the U.S. aligns itself against terrorism and sends a clear message that it will not tolerate organizations that use violence to achieve their political aims. Conversely, supporting Hamas or failing to condemn its actions could be interpreted as an endorsement of its methods and objectives.

Humanitarian Concerns

While the humanitarian situation in Gaza is dire, largely due to the blockade imposed by Israel and Egypt in response to security threats, it is essential to recognize the role of Hamas in exacerbating the suffering of the Palestinian people. Hamas diverts significant resources towards its military infrastructure, including the construction of tunnels and the acquisition of weapons, rather than addressing the basic needs of its population . Furthermore, the group uses civilians as human shields, placing rocket launchers in densely populated areas, which inevitably leads to civilian casualties during conflicts . Supporting Israel means advocating for a resolution that holds Hamas accountable for its actions while seeking ways to improve the humanitarian conditions in Gaza through constructive and peaceful means.

Economic and Technological Collaboration

Israel is a hub of innovation and technology, with a thriving economy that has produced numerous advancements in fields such as cybersecurity, medical technology, and agriculture. The U.S. benefits from bilateral trade and investment with Israel, as well as collaborative research and development initiatives . Supporting Israel not only strengthens these economic ties but also fosters an environment where technological innovation can flourish, benefiting both nations and contributing to global progress.

Ethical and Moral Considerations

Ethically, supporting a democratic nation that upholds human rights and the rule of law is more consistent with American values than backing an organization that engages in terrorism and human rights abuses. Israel, despite its flaws and the complexities of its policies, strives to maintain a society where diverse opinions can be expressed, and minority rights are protected. In contrast, Hamas's governance is characterized by intolerance, repression, and violence against both Israelis and its own people .


In conclusion, the reasons for American support of Israel over Hamas and Palestine are multifaceted and grounded in a combination of shared democratic values, strategic interests, counterterrorism efforts, humanitarian concerns, economic collaboration, and ethical considerations. While the plight of the Palestinian people deserves attention and compassion, it is crucial to distinguish between the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian population and the destructive actions of Hamas. Supporting Israel aligns with American principles and interests, promoting a vision of peace and stability in the Middle East based on democratic governance and the rejection of terrorism.


U.S. Department of State. (2021). Foreign Terrorist Organizations.
European Union. (2020). EU Terrorist List.
Human Rights Watch. (2008). Internal Fight: Palestinian Abuses in Gaza and the West Bank.
The Washington Institute for Near East Policy. (2021). The Strategic Importance of U.S.-Israel Relations.
Hamas Covenant 1988. The Avalon Project, Yale Law School.
BBC News. (2021). Hamas: The Palestinian Militant Group.
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). (2020). Gaza Blockade.
Amnesty International. (2014). Israel/Gaza: Operation 'Protective Edge'.
U.S. Department of Commerce. (2021). U.S.-Israel Economic Relations.
Freedom House. (2021). Freedom in the World 2021: Israel and the Palestinian Territories.

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