Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The History of the Widows Sons Masonic Riding Association in Ohio

The History of the Widows Sons Masonic Riding Association in Ohio

The Widows Sons Masonic Riding Association (WSMRA) is a unique organization that blends the principles of Freemasonry with a passion for motorcycle riding. Originating in the United States, the association has grown to include chapters worldwide, including a significant presence in Ohio. The history of the Widows Sons in Ohio is a testament to the enduring appeal of fraternity, charity, and the open road.

Origins and Purpose
The Widows Sons Masonic Riding Association was founded in 1998 in Chicago, Illinois, by Brother Carl Davenport. The association was created to provide a means for Freemasons who are motorcycle enthusiasts to meet and ride together, thereby promoting camaraderie and fellowship among Masonic brethren. The name "Widows Sons" is derived from a Masonic allegory concerning Hiram Abiff, a legendary figure in Freemasonry, who was the "Widow’s Son."

The primary purposes of the Widows Sons include promoting Freemasonry among motorcycle riders, supporting Masonic widows and orphans through charitable activities, and enjoying the sport of motorcycling. The association is open to Master Masons in good standing within their respective lodges and welcomes all brands of motorcycles.

Establishment in Ohio
The Widows Sons Masonic Riding Association quickly gained popularity and expanded beyond its origins in Illinois. By the early 2000s, the association had established chapters in several states, including Ohio. The Ohio chapters were formed to provide a platform for Masonic riders to gather, promote the values of Freemasonry, and engage in charitable activities.

Ohio’s first Widows Sons chapter was chartered in 2004. The state’s central location and strong Masonic tradition made it an ideal region for the association’s growth. The Ohio chapters of the Widows Sons are organized into regional chapters that span the state, including prominent chapters such as the Buckeye Chapter, the Northcoast Chapter, and the Tri-State Chapter.

Growth and Activities
Since its establishment, the Widows Sons in Ohio have experienced significant growth. The association’s appeal lies in its unique combination of Masonic principles, charitable endeavors, and the joy of motorcycle riding. Ohio chapters participate in a wide range of activities, including organized rides, charity events, and social gatherings.

One of the key aspects of the Widows Sons’ activities is their charitable work. The association regularly organizes fundraisers, charity rides, and events to support Masonic widows and orphans, local communities, and other charitable causes. For example, the Ohio chapters have been involved in supporting the Ohio Masonic Home, a charitable organization that provides care and support for elderly Masons and their families.

In addition to charity work, the Widows Sons in Ohio also focus on promoting the values of Freemasonry. They participate in public events and parades to raise awareness about Freemasonry and the association. This helps to dispel misconceptions about both Freemasonry and motorcycle clubs, showing that the two can coexist in a positive and community-oriented manner.

Challenges and Adaptations
Like many fraternal organizations, the Widows Sons Masonic Riding Association has faced challenges, particularly in maintaining membership and adapting to changing social dynamics. The association’s focus on Masonic membership limits its pool of potential members, and the aging demographics of Freemasonry present a challenge for future growth.

However, the Widows Sons have adapted by embracing modern communication methods and social media to attract younger members. They also emphasize the family-friendly nature of their events, encouraging members to involve their families and communities in their activities. This approach has helped to sustain interest and participation in the association.

Cultural Impact and Legacy
The Widows Sons Masonic Riding Association has had a positive cultural impact in Ohio. The association exemplifies the values of brotherhood, charity, and community service, bridging the gap between the Masonic and motorcycling communities. By participating in charitable activities and public events, the Widows Sons help to foster a positive image of Freemasonry and motorcycle clubs.

The association’s legacy is reflected in the strong bonds formed among its members and the contributions they have made to their communities. The Widows Sons in Ohio continue to uphold the principles of Freemasonry while enjoying the freedom and camaraderie that come with motorcycle riding.

The history of the Widows Sons Masonic Riding Association in Ohio is a story of growth, fellowship, and charitable service. From its establishment in the early 2000s, the association has provided a unique platform for Masonic motorcycle enthusiasts to connect and support their communities. Through their activities, the Widows Sons promote the values of Freemasonry, engage in meaningful charitable work, and enjoy the sport of motorcycling. Their enduring legacy in Ohio is a testament to the power of fraternity and the open road.

"Widows Sons Masonic Riding Association." Widows Sons International. Widows Sons International.
"History of Freemasonry in Ohio." Grand Lodge of Ohio. Grand Lodge of Ohio.
"The Masonic Home of Ohio." Ohio Masonic Home. Ohio Masonic Home.

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