Thursday, June 20, 2024

Debunking the Unfounded Claims of Fake Historian Polat Kaya

Debunking the Unfounded Claims of Fake Historian Polat Kaya

In the realm of historical research, it is crucial to critically evaluate claims made by individuals who lack scholarly credentials and present unfounded theories. One such example is the self-proclaimed historian, Polat Kaya, who has gained a following among some Turks with his extraordinary assertions. This article aims to shed light on the baseless claims put forth by Polat Kaya, particularly his notion that almost all of humanity, including the Trojans, Romans, Persians, and others, are descendants of Turks. It is essential to recognize the lack of scholarly support for these claims and the importance of relying on credible historical research.

1. Lack of Scholarly Credentials:

Polat Kaya's assertions must be approached with caution due to his lack of scholarly credentials. He does not possess the necessary academic background or expertise in history, archaeology, or linguistics to support his claims. Genuine historians undergo rigorous academic training and adhere to established methodologies, which Polat Kaya lacks.

2. Absence of Credible Sources:

The claims made by Polat Kaya lack substantial evidence from credible sources. He often relies on selective interpretations of historical texts and misuses linguistic similarities to support his theories. It is essential to note that linguistic similarities alone do not necessarily indicate a direct ancestral connection between different cultures or peoples.

One example of Polat Kaya's flawed methodology can be seen in his claim that the Trojans are descendants of Turks. However, this claim contradicts the extensive research conducted by renowned historians such as Eric H. Cline, who states that the Trojans were an indigenous Anatolian people with no direct connection to Turks (Cline, 2013).

3. Disregard for Established Historical Knowledge:

Polat Kaya's assertions disregard well-established historical knowledge and consensus among experts. His claims about the ancestry of various ancient civilizations, such as the Romans and Persians, contradict the extensive research and scholarship conducted by renowned historians and archaeologists.
For instance, the claim that the Romans are descendants of Turks is highly questionable and unsupported by credible historical evidence. Renowned Roman historian Mary Beard has extensively researched and written about the origins of the Roman civilization, highlighting their Italic roots and the influence of Etruscans (Beard, 2015).

4. Pseudoscientific Approach:

Polat Kaya's methodology can be described as pseudoscientific, as he selectively uses linguistic similarities and draws far-reaching conclusions without proper academic scrutiny. His approach lacks the rigorous analysis and critical evaluation that are fundamental in genuine historical research. The field of history demands meticulous examination of sources, cross-referencing, and peer review to ensure the accuracy and reliability of claims.

5. Limited Academic Recognition:

Polat Kaya's theories have not gained recognition or acceptance within the academic community. Genuine historians and scholars in the fields of history and archaeology have not engaged with his works or incorporated his claims into their research. The lack of scholarly endorsement further underscores the speculative nature of his assertions.


Polat Kaya's claims, which purport that almost all of humanity, including the Trojans, Romans, Persians, and others, are descendants of Turks, are unfounded and lack scholarly support. It is crucial to approach historical research with skepticism and rely on well-established academic scholarship that utilizes rigorous methodologies, extensive primary sources, and archaeological evidence. By critically evaluating claims made by individuals lacking scholarly credentials, we can ensure a more accurate and reliable understanding of our shared human history.
Note: The purpose of this article is to provide a critical analysis of Polat Kaya's claims and highlight the importance of relying on credible historical research. The intention is not to engage in personal attacks or disrespect anyone's beliefs.


Beard, M. (2015). SPQR: A History of Ancient Rome. Liveright Publishing Corporation.
Cline, E. H. (2013). 1177 B.C.: The Year Civilization Collapsed. Princeton University Press.


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