Thursday, February 22, 2024

Prophet Muhammad and Islamic Adult Breastfeeding (Aisha Did It Too)

The concept of adult breastfeeding as a means to establish a relationship of "mahram" (non-marriageable kin) in Islam is based on a specific narration, or hadith, often referred to as the "milk kinship" hadith. This hadith is associated with Aisha, one of the wives of Prophet Muhammad. It is important to note that interpretations and acceptance of this hadith vary among Islamic scholars.

The hadith in question revolves around the idea that adult breastfeeding creates a legal bond similar to that of blood kinship. It is mentioned that Aisha narrated that a man approached her and sought permission to enter her house. Aisha asked the Prophet about the matter, and he advised her to let him enter. However, Aisha expressed her discomfort because the man had not established a formal familial relationship with her, and the Prophet suggested the practice of adult breastfeeding as a solution.

The details of the practice involve a woman breastfeeding an adult man a certain number of times (often reported as five), after which they are considered "milk siblings." As a result, the man becomes a mahram, and certain legal and social restrictions regarding marriage and physical interaction are applied.

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