Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Uncovering the Troubling Link: Nazis in Ukraine and the Legacy of Stepan Bandera

Ukraine's history has been marked by a complex tapestry of political and social movements, including one that is particularly troubling - the resurgence of far-right extremist groups, some with alleged Nazi sympathies, in the country. To fully grasp this disconcerting phenomenon, we must delve into Ukraine's history, including the controversial legacy of Stepan Bandera and the emergence of far-right paramilitary units.

The Shadow of Stepan Bandera:

Stepan Bandera, a Ukrainian nationalist leader during World War II, remains a highly controversial figure. He led the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) and its military wing, the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA). Bandera's primary goal was the creation of an independent Ukrainian state. While his supporters see him as a hero who fought against Soviet oppression, others view him as a collaborator with Nazi Germany due to his temporary alliance with the Axis powers.

It is important to recognize that the historical context of Ukraine during World War II was complex. Many Ukrainians opposed both Nazi and Soviet rule, and Bandera's actions were driven by a desire for independence rather than Nazi ideology. However, his association with the Nazis and the violent actions of his followers have left a dark stain on his legacy.

The Rise of Far-Right Extremism:

In recent years, Ukraine has witnessed the resurgence of far-right extremist groups that invoke Bandera's name and imagery. While not all of these groups are explicitly neo-Nazi, some have been accused of holding extremist views and engaging in violence. The Azov Battalion, in particular, has attracted international attention for its far-right associations.

The Azov Battalion, which fought against Russian-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine, has faced accusations of promoting white supremacy and neo-Nazi ideologies. This group's symbolism, which includes the Wolfsangel, a symbol used by the SS during World War II, has raised concerns about its ideological leanings.

Ukraine's Complex Reality:

It is essential to understand that Ukraine is a diverse nation with a range of political beliefs and affiliations. Not all Ukrainians support far-right groups, and many Ukrainians vehemently oppose extremism. The Ukrainian government has taken steps to address extremism within its ranks and has condemned far-right ideologies.

Additionally, Ukraine has a long history of resisting external influence and oppression, whether from Russia or other foreign powers. The desire for self-determination and independence is a strong driving force in the country, and this sentiment can sometimes manifest in extreme forms.


The presence of far-right extremist groups in Ukraine is a troubling phenomenon that cannot be ignored. While it is crucial to acknowledge the historical complexities surrounding figures like Stepan Bandera, it is equally important to scrutinize and condemn any extremist ideologies or actions in contemporary Ukraine. Ukraine's journey towards national identity and independence should not be tarnished by associations with extremist movements. As Ukraine navigates its path forward, it must continue to address and disavow any extremist elements within its borders to ensure a future of peace, stability, and democracy.

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