Sunday, October 1, 2023

Remembering My Father: Coping with Grief and Moving Forward

October 14, 2022, marked a profound and heartbreaking turning point in my life. It was the night I lost my beloved father, a man who had been a pillar of strength, wisdom, and love. His sudden and unexpected passing has left an indelible void in my heart, and as the one-year anniversary of his death approaches, the pain and anxiety I feel intensify. In this article, I wish to share my journey of coping with grief, seeking solace through prayer, and the surprising ways in which I find myself living life to the fullest, just as my father encouraged.

A Normal Evening, An Unexpected Loss

The night my father passed away was like any other. He was vibrant, healthy, and full of life. He had worked late into the evening, coming home at 7 PM. We had dinner together, sharing laughter and stories as we always did. Afterward, we gathered to watch our favorite TV series, "Stranger Things," and enjoyed some dessert. My father then retired to bed as he usually did, ready to start a new day.

But that new day never came. In the morning, I found him peacefully in eternal rest. The shock and disbelief that engulfed me that day still haunt me as I try to make sense of his sudden departure from this world.

Navigating the Waves of Grief

In the months that followed, the pain of losing my father has been a constant companion. Grief has its way of manifesting itself in unpredictable waves. Some days are easier than others, but as the one-year mark of his death approaches, the anxiety and sorrow have intensified.

I've turned to prayer as a source of solace during these difficult moments. The act of praying brings a sense of connection with my father, even though he is no longer physically present. In my prayers, I find the strength to confront the negative thoughts and memories that threaten to overwhelm me. It's a process of healing that helps me inch forward on the path to acceptance.

Living as He Taught

Ironically, I find myself taking bigger risks and embracing life more fully, despite the overwhelming grief. My father, a psychologist who understood me deeply, always encouraged me to live courageously and take risks. He recognized my struggles with OCD, oppositional authority disorder, and ADHD but believed in my potential to overcome challenges.

In a way, I feel that I am living in honor of his memory, embracing the fearless spirit he instilled in me. I've come to understand that my father's legacy is not just a memory but a source of inspiration, encouraging me to make the most of every day.


Losing my father on that fateful night was an unimaginable tragedy, and the pain of his absence continues to affect me deeply. As the one-year anniversary of his passing draws near, the grief and anxiety become more pronounced. Yet, in the midst of this pain, I have found solace in prayer and inspiration in the way my father lived his life.

He believed in taking risks, living fearlessly, and embracing each moment, and I strive to carry that legacy forward. In the midst of grief, I hold onto the lessons he imparted, cherishing the memories we shared and praying for the strength to move forward. Though the pain may never fully recede, I am determined to live a life that would make my father proud, in honor of his memory and his enduring love.

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