Sunday, September 17, 2023

The Resurrection Doctrine: The Cornerstone of Christianity - A Perspective from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Christianity, in its essence, revolves around the belief in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This pivotal event is the foundation upon which the entire faith is built. From the perspective of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), the resurrection doctrine holds an exceptional significance, shaping the core beliefs and practices of its members. In this article, we will explore the profound impact of the resurrection doctrine on Christianity, particularly from an LDS perspective.

1. The Resurrection Doctrine: A Catalyst for Faith:

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is central to the LDS faith, as it confirms His divine nature and role as the Savior. Without the resurrection, the Atonement - the redeeming sacrifice of Jesus Christ - would lose its power and meaning. The resurrection provides the ultimate proof of Jesus' victory over sin and death, inspiring believers to have faith and trust in His teachings.

2. The Assurance of Eternal Life:

According to LDS beliefs, the resurrection extends beyond Christ's triumph over death. It extends to all humanity, offering the promise of eternal life in the presence of God. This assurance brings immense comfort and hope to individuals and families, providing solace in times of grief and strengthening faith in the divine plan of salvation.

3. Resurrection and the Restoration:

The LDS faith teaches that the resurrection is not solely an event of the past but an ongoing process. Through the Restoration of the gospel by the Prophet Joseph Smith, the doctrine of the resurrection was fully reinstated in its true form. This restoration included the understanding that all individuals will be resurrected with restored bodies of flesh and bone, following the pattern set by Jesus Christ.

4. Resurrection and the Plan of Salvation:

The resurrection doctrine plays a vital role in the LDS understanding of the Plan of Salvation, which outlines the purpose and progression of human life. Without the resurrection, the Plan of Salvation would remain incomplete, as it encompasses not only the mortal experience but also the eternal existence beyond death. The resurrection allows for the continuation of this divine plan, enabling individuals to progress and reach their fullest potential.

5. Resurrection and the Power of Redemption:

In LDS theology, the resurrection is inseparable from the Atonement of Jesus Christ. It is through His sacrifice that mankind finds forgiveness and redemption from sin. The resurrection serves as the triumphant culmination of the Atonement, offering the gift of resurrection to all who accept Christ and follow His teachings.


From an LDS perspective, the resurrection doctrine holds tremendous significance in shaping the beliefs and practices of Christianity. It serves as the cornerstone upon which the entire faith is built, confirming the divine nature of Jesus Christ, providing hope for eternal life, and facilitating the progression of individuals within the Plan of Salvation. The resurrection doctrine, intertwined with the Atonement, brings redemption, forgiveness, and the promise of a glorious future to all who embrace the teachings of Jesus Christ.

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