Tuesday, September 5, 2023

The Founders of CAIR National: Examining the Controversial Ties to Hamas, Including Nihad Awad

 The Founders of CAIR National: Examining the Controversial Ties to Hamas, Including Nihad Awad


The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is an organization that has been at the center of controversy regarding its alleged ties to extremist groups. In particular, the founders of CAIR National, including Nihad Awad, have faced scrutiny over their alleged connections to Hamas, a designated terrorist organization. This article delves into the origins of CAIR National and the individuals associated with it, shedding light on the concerns raised regarding their affiliations.

1. The Establishment of CAIR National:

CAIR National was founded in 1994 with the mission of advocating for the rights of American Muslims and combatting Islamophobia. It presented itself as a civil rights organization dedicated to protecting the interests of the Muslim community in the United States.

2. The Controversial Allegations:

One of the primary sources of controversy surrounding CAIR National and its founders is the alleged association with Hamas, a militant Palestinian organization recognized as a terrorist group by the U.S. government. Nihad Awad, the organization's Executive Director, has faced allegations of having connections to Hamas operatives.

3. Nihad Awad's Background:

Nihad Awad, a co-founder of CAIR National, has been a prominent figure in American Muslim advocacy. However, his past statements and associations have raised questions about his stance on terrorist organizations. Critics argue that his previous involvement with organizations like the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP) and his alleged support for Hamas are deeply troubling.

4. Legal and Ethical Concerns:

The allegations surrounding CAIR National's founders have led to legal and ethical concerns. While individuals are entitled to their beliefs and affiliations, questions arise when these affiliations potentially involve support for terrorist organizations that advocate violence and terror.

5. Ongoing Debate:

The debate over CAIR National's connections to Hamas and the motivations of its founders continues. Supporters argue that the organization plays a vital role in protecting civil liberties, while critics remain concerned about its alleged ties to extremism.


The founders of CAIR National, including Nihad Awad, have played a significant role in advocating for the rights of American Muslims. However, their alleged ties to Hamas raise serious concerns about the organization's underlying motivations and affiliations. As the debate over CAIR National's connections persists, it is crucial to maintain a balanced perspective, recognizing the importance of civil liberties while addressing concerns related to national security and terrorism.


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