Sunday, September 10, 2023

My Journey from 9/11 to Today: A Transformation of Faith and Identity

September 11, 2001, is a date etched into the collective memory of Americans and people around the world. As an Iranian-American Muslim at that time, I, too, felt the profound impact of the events of that day. My life and beliefs have undergone a significant transformation since then, and today, I find myself on a different path—one that reflects my deep appreciation for the principles of liberty, democracy, and religious freedom that America stands for.

9/11: A Day of Shock and Reflection

On that fateful September morning, as the world watched in horror, I was a Muslim living in America, deeply troubled by the terrorist attacks carried out by extremists who claimed to represent Islam. The sense of shock and grief was overwhelming, and as a member of the Muslim community, I felt a profound responsibility to respond.

My Involvement with Muslim Organizations

In the years following 9/11, I became increasingly active in Muslim organizations dedicated to promoting civil rights and addressing the challenges faced by Muslims in America. I served as the President of the Muslim Forum of Utah and later as the Executive Director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) in Ohio.

A Journey of Self-Reflection and Transformation

As I became more involved in advocacy work, I also embarked on a personal journey of self-reflection and spiritual exploration. It was during this time that I began to question certain aspects of the ideology and practices associated with Islam. I delved into the teachings of Christianity, and in 2019, I made the life-altering decision to convert to Christianity.

The Transformation: From Iranian-American Muslim to American

My conversion to Christianity marked a profound shift in my identity and beliefs. Today, I proudly identify as an American who values the principles upon which this nation was founded: freedom of religion, individual liberties, and democracy. My journey has come full circle, as I now embrace the American way of life and the Christian faith.

A New Perspective on America

My transformation has given me a unique perspective on the United States. I recognize the exceptional opportunities and freedoms that America offers to people of all backgrounds. I have come to appreciate the importance of preserving these freedoms and upholding the secular nature of the American government.

A Call for a United America

In a time when divisions and polarization seem to be on the rise, I believe that my story serves as a reminder that unity is possible. It is crucial for Americans of all faiths and backgrounds to come together to uphold the values that make this country exceptional.


My journey from being an Iranian-American Muslim to becoming an American who values freedom, democracy, and religious pluralism has been marked by personal growth and transformation. While I once held leadership roles in Muslim organizations, today, my path is guided by a deep appreciation for the American way of life and a commitment to promoting unity and understanding among all Americans. In this ever-changing world, my hope is that we can all come together as one nation, indivisible, committed to the principles that have made America a beacon of hope for people of diverse backgrounds and beliefs.

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