Saturday, September 23, 2023

A Balanced Perspective on Historical Challenges within the Church

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has a rich history that, like any other institution, includes moments of complexity and challenges. It is important to approach these historical issues with a balanced perspective, taking into account the context and evolution of the Church. In this article, we will address some concerns raised by individuals, providing a conservative viewpoint on these matters.

1. Whiskey Stills and Joseph Smith's Teachings:

It is true that during the time of Brigham Young, the Church owned whiskey stills. However, it is crucial to view this in the context of the time period. The production and consumption of alcohol were common practices in many communities, and the Church was no exception. It is worth noting that the Church's stance on alcohol consumption has evolved since then, with an emphasis on adhering to the Word of Wisdom, which discourages the use of alcohol.

Joseph Smith's teaching that God might not take notice of a casual gathering with wine or beer should not be seen as a blanket endorsement of excessive drinking. Rather, it can be understood as a reflection of the cultural norms and practices of the time, emphasizing moderation rather than abstinence.

2. The Kirtland Bank Failure and Joseph Smith's Departure:

The Kirtland bank failure was a significant event in the early history of the Church. While it did create financial challenges, it is important to consider the broader context. Economic instability and external pressures played a role in the difficulties faced by the Church during this period.

Joseph Smith's departure from Kirtland cannot be reduced to a single reason. The Church faced intense persecution and threats to its safety, which influenced the decisions made by its leaders. It is essential to avoid oversimplifying complex historical events and recognize the multifaceted factors at play.

3. Misogyny, Patriarchy, and Changing Perspectives:

Critiques of misogyny and patriarchal dominion within the Church should be examined with nuance. While it is true that historical teachings may have reflected certain gender roles, it is essential to recognize that the Church has made significant efforts to address these concerns and promote equality.

The Church's teachings now emphasize the equal worth and agency of all individuals, regardless of gender. While there may have been teachings in the past that suggested monogamy was an evil invention, it is important to acknowledge that the Church's current teachings emphasize the sanctity of monogamy and the importance of faithful, committed relationships.

4. Temple Policies and Polygamy:

Polygamy is a sensitive topic within the Church's history. However, it is important to understand that the practice of polygamy was not a fundamental tenet of the faith but rather a temporary practice during a specific time. The Church officially discontinued the practice of polygamy in 1890.

Current temple sealings and eternal marriage policies reflect the Church's commitment to the eternal bonds of marriage. While there may be complexities in understanding the specifics of these policies, the Church promotes personal agency, love, and respect within eternal relationships. It is essential to approach this topic with empathy and respect for differing viewpoints.

5. Church Leadership, Fallibility, and Gaslighting:

Church leaders, including prophets, are not infallible and can make mistakes. It is important to recognize their humanity while also acknowledging their spiritual leadership and unique insights. They provide guidance and direction, but individual members are encouraged to seek personal revelation and develop their own relationship with God.

Concerns about gaslighting should be addressed with open dialogue and critical thinking. The Church encourages its members to engage in thoughtful discussions and explore different perspectives while maintaining a foundation of faith and trust in God.


When examining the historical challenges within the Church, it is crucial to approach them with a balanced viewpoint, considering the context and evolution of the institution. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has made efforts to address concerns and promote unity, equality, and love among its members. By fostering respectful dialogue and seeking understanding, we can navigate these complex issues and continue to grow in our individual and collective spiritual journeys.

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