Friday, August 25, 2023

The Democrats' Calculated Misjudgment: Underestimating Trump's Resilience

 The Democrats' Calculated Misjudgment: Underestimating Trump's Resilience

In the realm of American politics, strategic miscalculations have a way of reverberating with unforeseen consequences. The Democrats' assumption that they could project their own perceptions onto former President Trump, anticipating that charges against him would derail his ambitions, has proven to be a misjudgment of epic proportions. Instead, they now find themselves facing a stronger and more determined Trump, and a base that refuses to yield. This scenario eerily mirrors past miscalculations, such as their handling of the Russia situation, revealing a pattern that arises from a fundamental misunderstanding of moral courage and the strength of conviction.

Projection and the Fallacy of Assumption:

The Democrats' projection of their venality and cowardice onto President Trump was an attempt to predict his actions based on their own behaviors. Their assumption that he would abandon his political aspirations in exchange for dropped charges revealed an underestimation of his resilience and determination. This strategy, though potentially calculated, has backfired spectacularly.

A Resilient and Strengthened Opposition:

Rather than breaking the former President's spirit, the charges seem to have fueled his resolve. The Democratic miscalculation has resulted in a Trump who is not only more determined but also enjoys unwavering support from his base. This misstep has inadvertently transformed him into a symbol of resilience and endurance in the eyes of many who resonate with his principles.

A Pattern of Misjudgment:

The Democrats' miscalculation echoes past misjudgments, such as their handling of the Russia situation. Just as they failed to accurately assess the complexities of the geopolitical landscape, they now find themselves blindsided by their inability to comprehend moral courage and conviction. This pattern arises from a fundamental misunderstanding of those who possess qualities that transcend conventional political maneuvering.

Elite Blindness and the Dilemma of Perception:

The Democrats' misjudgments stem from a peculiar form of elite blindness – an inability to comprehend individuals who possess moral courage and intelligence. The Western elite, accustomed to occupying a position of presumed intellectual superiority, often struggle to grasp the motivations and actions of those who diverge from their preconceived notions.

Lessons from the "Monkey Cage":

Metaphorically comparing the political landscape to a "monkey cage," the article suggests that the Western elite's assumptions about their intelligence are akin to monkeys flinging feces – a valued skill in their insulated environment. However, these assumptions prove inadequate when confronted with individuals who operate based on moral courage and a strong sense of purpose.

A Stark Divide:

The miscalculation exemplifies the chasm between those who believe that political power is derived from calculated strategies and those who are driven by conviction and moral courage. The Democrats' failure to predict Trump's response underscores the divide between these two worldviews, which continues to shape the dynamics of American politics.


The Democrats' projection of their own venality and cowardice onto President Trump, coupled with their assumption that charges would diminish his strength, serves as a poignant reminder of the complexities of political dynamics. This calculated misjudgment, reminiscent of past errors, highlights the fundamental divide between political maneuvering and the strength of moral courage. As the political landscape evolves, the resonance of this misstep reverberates, urging a reevaluation of assumptions and strategies in an era where conviction and resilience hold considerable power.

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