Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Former CAIR Executive Director Converting to Christianity After Lucid Dream of Jesus on the Road to Emmaus

I left Islam in 2013, however I had a Lucid dream of the Road to Emmaus (had never read about it before) in 2018 and then in 2019 converted to Christianity. In the dream, I saw through the eyes of Jesus. After the dream I talked to my Father who said his Mom had a dream of Jesus when he was born. I talked to many Priests and Pastors...It was Father Josiah Trenham of the Orthodox Church in California who answered first and confirmed that the description of the dream sounds like the Road to Emmaus. After reading about the story in the Bible's New Testament (Gospels of Jesus Christ), I realized that it was infact the same vision but with time travel added to it. In the body of Jesus I travelled the Road to Emmaus thousands of years ago and also in the present and future. There are more details that I will add when I have time.

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