Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Political Assassinations May Rise When Freedom is Curtailed

Have any of the people from the woke left that support a minority ideology of the Democrats, Socialists, Communists, Islamists, Marxists, LGBTQ+, etc. ever realized that they could end up being politically assassinated in government or corporate positions across the world?  

The immigrants who are coming into America mostly grew up with political assassinations. Do you think that if the far left in America puts them in the same positions as they were in their former countries, they would not infiltrate and politically assassinate the people who are causing them financial and life harm?

How brazen is the far left in America that it thinks by pushing forward Antifa, CAIR, the Rainbow Imperials, that they will walk away without being harmed by the people they hurt?  

All this fake Climate Change, Racism, Genders, Pronouns will end up getting harmed by the very minorities they think they are supporting.  Blacks (Baptists), Mexicans (Catholics) and Whites (Protestants) as well as Middle Easterners (Muslims) will eventually get to a point where they can no longer take the Sodom and Gomorrah type of evil that is being dished out to them in the name of progress.  

By 2024 if Republicans are not back in office and fixing America, you may see a rise in Political assassinations in every aspect of life not just in America but globally.  The US economy affects other countries too.  All this fake Climate change rhetoric makes people more poor when they have to buy expensive harmful electric cars and other fake clean energies.  

This makes us wonder, why did Biden cut the oil pipeline and stop US oil independence and then wants to buy oil from Iran and Venezuela (US Enemies)?  Is Biden working for Iran? Russia? China? North Korea?  

Every place you look in America that is basically a 's**t hole' is run by Socialist Democrats.  Keep that in mind when you vote in 2024.  Fortunately areas like Utah (Mormon Territory) and Southern American States (Bible Belt) are doing much better than the Socialist Democrat Poor Zones.  However, all the people from the Communist States of America (CSA) keep coming to the Republican States of America (RSA).  This in itself could create civil war when people's lifestyles are being invaded and changed to reflect the Sodom and Gomorrah states.  

Who is behind this evil?  Well, let's see who funds organizations in America?  Could it be the Saudis funding Harvard? The Chinese funding Princeton? Iran funding Brown?  We have to stop and think where the Globalist money is coming from to destroy the USA?

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