Sunday, July 19, 2020

Asia's SCARIEST Meat Market! Dog, Cat, Rat, Bat and more at Tomohon Mark...

The irony of Americans being Leftist and hating on Christian Values (which are the foundation of America, while keeping Church and State segregated) is hilarious.  On the one hand, you have Leftists in America who hate on Christians because they claim to be Vegan or Vegetarian and that Christians promote meat eating.  Well, sorry to break it to you, but Muslims eat more meat than Christians and Jews combined.  In fact, Meat is a huge factor in ritual sacrifice in Islam.  Besides Islam, there is Communism that the Left supports, which is also a Meat Eating ideology.  Communism actually takes off Jewish, Christian, and Islamic food restrictions and allows the consumption of all Meat, including Human Meat if necessary.  There are no laws or ideologies in Communism, an Atheist ideology, that gives any sort of attention to the immorality of eating any kind of Meat.  There is no morality in Communism other than so called equality (to be miserable).

So, the next time your Vegan Leftist friend gets on you in regards to eating Meat...mention that Communism allows a yearly festival in China where Dogs (which we keep as pets in the Christian West, not really the Muslim West/East, because Islam hates dogs) are killed and shish-kabobed (with videos on Youtube) and that Communist China has no problems with eating Dogs (against Abrahamic faiths) or even eating humans if need be.  There are aborted human infant soup you can buy in China!  

So, would this make American Leftists 'Unethical' for promoted anti-American and anti-Christian ideologies while at the same time being hypocrites and unethical?  Also, this unethical atheist communist eating habits in China seem to be the source of Coronavirus, what does the unethical and immoral left have to say about that? 

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