Monday, December 24, 2018

Wajahat Ali Telling Christians What They Should Think or Believe?

"Just imagine the New York Times publishing an article entitled “What a Christian Could Teach Supporters of the Saudi Crown Prince About Jesus,” or “What a Christian Could Teach Supporters of the Ayatollah Khamenei About Jesus.” This is not to compare Trump either to the Saudi Crown Prince or the Iranian Supreme Leader, although many Leftists are so deranged regarding Trump that they would endorse such comparisons with relish. The point I’m making, on the other hand, is that the New York Times editors would rather have their teeth pulled out with rusty pliers than ever to publish an article by a Christian telling Muslims what they should think about anything, but they don’t hesitate to publish this self-righteous and disingenuous propaganda by Wajahat Ali lecturing Christians and trying to shame them out from supporting Trump." Read more:

What Wajahat Ali does not understand and CAIR tries to hide is that there are Thousands if not Millions of Muslims and Minorities who are not Christian who support Trump.  Who gave Muslim Democrats the authority of not only over Christian Republicans, but also over that of Muslim Republicans?  CAIR openly denies helping Muslim on Muslim Civil Rights abuses in America as well.  My advice to Wajahat Ali and CAIR is to stop acting like they represent all American Muslims. 

===== Mirror

Exposing the role that Islamic jihad theology and ideology play in the modern global conflicts

New York Times: “What a Muslim Could Teach Trump Supporters About Jesus”


Just imagine the New York Times publishing an article entitled “What a Christian Could Teach Supporters of the Saudi Crown Prince About Jesus,” or “What a Christian Could Teach Supporters of the Ayatollah Khamenei About Jesus.” This is not to compare Trump either to the Saudi Crown Prince or the Iranian Supreme Leader, although many Leftists are so deranged regarding Trump that they would endorse such comparisons with relish. The point I’m making, on the other hand, is that the New York Times editors would rather have their teeth pulled out with rusty pliers than ever to publish an article by a Christian telling Muslims what they should think about anything, but they don’t hesitate to publish this self-righteous and disingenuous propaganda by Wajahat Ali lecturing Christians and trying to shame them out from supporting Trump.
Ali doesn’t know as much about Christianity as he wants you to think he does; for example, he claims that he read the King James Bible while at Bellarmine High School in San Jose, California. Maybe he read it on his own, but apparently graduated from high school in or around 1998. Few, if any, Catholic schools ever used the King James Bible, which was a Protestant translation first published in 1611 and rejected by the Catholic Church. Because of its archaic language, it was widely discarded in the mid-twentieth century. The idea that a Catholic school was using it in the 1990s is ludicrous. If he read the Bible at school, Ali almost certainly read the translation known as the New American Bible, and if he read the King James Version on his own, it’s unlikely he understood much of it, unless he had mastered Shakespearean English by the time he attended high school.
More importantly, Ali in this article continuously confuses socialism and state control with Christian charity, as if having the government confiscate citizens’ wealth and redistribute it to those it sees fit is the only way Christians can love their neighbor today. He also tells his Times-reading marks that Jesus would want open borders, with no apparent regard for the Christian obligation to love one’s neighbor at home — is inundating a country with migrants who will raise the crime rate and saturate the welfare rolls really charitable to those who must suffer as a result of this inundation?
The arrogance of it all is what is overriding. Bringing in a cynical and deceptive Muslim who endeavors to shame Christians by claiming they’re bad Christians for rejecting a globalist, socialist agenda — that epitomizes the New York Times today.

“What a Muslim Could Teach Trump Supporters About Jesus,” by Wajahat Ali, New York Times, December 22, 2018 (thanks to Vikram):

At Bellarmine, an all-boys Catholic school in San Jose, Calif., I was often the token Muslim and probably the only person who began freshman year thinking the Eucharist sounded like the name of a comic book villain. I eventually learned it’s a ritual commemorating the Last Supper. At the monthly Masses that were part of the curriculum, that meant grape juice and stale wafers were offered to pimpled, dorky teenagers as the blood and body of Christ.
During my time there, I also read the King James Bible and stories about Jesus, learned about Christian morality, debated the Trinity with Jesuit priests and received an A every semester in religious studies class. Twenty years later, I can still recite the “Our Father” prayer from memory.
Growing up, I’d been taught that Jesus was a major prophet in Islam, known as “Isa” and also referred to as “ruh Allah,” the spirit of God born to the Virgin Mary and sent as a mercy to all people. Like Christians, we Muslims believe he will return to fight Dajjal, or the Antichrist, and establish peace and justice on earth. But it was everything I learned in high school that came together to make me love Jesus in a way that made me a better Muslim.
Even though I don’t personally celebrate Christmas, the season always makes me think of his legacy of radical love. This year, it’s especially hard to understand how Trump-supporting Christians have turned their back on that unconditional love and exchanged it for nativism, fear and fealty to a reality TV show host turned president.
According to a Washington Post/ABC poll conducted in January, 75 percent of white evangelicals in the United States — compared with 46 percent of American adults over all — said “the federal crackdown on undocumented immigrants” was a positive thing. Sixty-eight percent of them believe America has no responsibility to house refugees, according to a Pew Research poll conducted in April and May.
The numbers aren’t quite as jarring when we look at different slices of religious America. According to a PRRI poll conducted in late August and early September, 59 percent of Catholics and 75 percent of black Protestants view Trump negatively. Still, I can’t fathom how anyone who knows the Jesus I encountered at Bellarmine could be comfortable with this administration.
Jesus was a humble carpenter from Nazareth who miraculously fed 5,000 people but never humiliated them with condescending lectures about God favoring those who pull themselves up by their bootstraps. Mr. Trump has expressed enthusiasm for gutting the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, the nation’s most important anti-hunger program, by adding unnecessary and cruel work requirements for food stamp recipients.
Mr. Trump also chose Ben Carson, a neurosurgeon who admitted he isn’t qualified to run a federal agency, to head the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Dr. Carson, who says his Christian faith helps him “serve the nation even better,” tweeted he’s “moving more people toward self-sufficiency” by advocating huge cuts to housing aid, increased rent and more stringent work requirements. In high school, I must have missed the sermon where Jesus told the poor, hungry and homeless to stop asking God for handouts.
President Trump and Republicans have also waged a nonstop war on Obamacare for nine years, allowing 14 states to opt out of Medicaid expansion, leaving four million eligible Americans unable to enroll. The Jesus I met in high school healed a blind man. Guess what he didn’t do? Rail against the socialist evils of taking care of people’s health.
The Jesus I know commanded, “You shall love your neighbors as yourself.” He didn’t add “unless they are undocumented immigrants or Muslim or gay.” He would welcome refugees from Central America, feed them, wash their feet. He would have been horrified at the conditions that led 7-year-old Jakelin Caal to die of dehydration and shock in Border Control custody after seeking refuge in this country with her father.
Christianity isn’t unique: Every religion is abused as such by some of its followers and manipulated to advance political agendas. But the hypocrisy of white Evangelical Christians’ support for Trump in light of his undeniable cruelty and apathy — toward refugees, Puerto Rican citizens recovering from a devastating hurricane, victims of California fires and a newspaper columnist killed by Saudi Arabia — is too much to bear. Despite this barrage of hate, Evangelical leaders like Franklin Graham still support Mr. Trump because they believe he “defends the faith.” How?…

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Guy Macher says
Dec 24, 2018 at 4:52 pm

That’s priceless, a Muslim castigating Christians for not loving gays!


Solomon says
Dec 24, 2018 at 5:04 pm

It’s a slick game they’re playing. Ask them about LGBT rights in countries like Turkey and Morocco and Malaysia.


Rev G says
Dec 24, 2018 at 4:56 pm

How about “What a Christian could teach Khamenei about Muhammad”?


Solomon says
Dec 24, 2018 at 5:06 pm

“Muhammad was a revolutionary, a liberator of humanity, a feminist and a humanitarian.”


Solomon says
Dec 24, 2018 at 5:03 pm

What’s worse than an Imam in full Islamic gear is a well-groomed Muslim who looks Western.
These well-groomed are twice as dishonest and ten times as sanctimonious. They use the guiding principles of their host country to promote their mediocre and intolerant religion, and if you heard them speak and observed their body language, you’d think they were true fighters and resisters.
Actually, they have an identity crisis which they resolve by “sweetening” their Islam (just as the Ottomans did in the past) to make it look charming and mysterious, not to mention ethical and gracious. It’s a seduction game.
But believe me, when the going gets tough, and France/UK/Sweden/Germany have a jihad on their hands – one that they’re not prepared for – these well-groomed Westernized Muslims, who are paragons of a European Islam, will side with the jihadis, and talk down about the jihadis in flattering and condescending ways to anxious policy makers and ivory tower leftists. Never trust a Muslim.


CogitoErgoSum says
Dec 24, 2018 at 5:12 pm

Jesus could have fed with a few fishes and loaves of bread not just 5,000 but every person on Earth. But Jesus knew that man did not live by bread alone and He fold those who came to Him looking for a free meal to accept also His body to eat and His blood to drink. Those who could not stomach that walked away and Jesus let them go. Some things to Jesus are more important than food and drink for the body. Nourishment for the soul is what matters most to Him. So yes, there is at least one time that Jesus asked people to stop asking for handouts and when He did most of the people walked away from Him thinking he was insane.


revereridesagain says
Dec 24, 2018 at 5:14 pm

We gotta introduce this fool to Younus Kathrada. (The one who says wishing Christians “Merry Christmas” is worse than murder.) Then just stand back and watch the fun.


boakai ngombu says
Dec 24, 2018 at 6:11 pm

” … But it was everything I learned in high school that came together to make me love Jesus in a way that made me a better Muslim… ”
ali, if you truly came to love Jesus, you would not have written what you did:
” ..known as “Isa” and also referred to as “ruh Allah,” the spirit of God born to the Virgin Mary and sent as a mercy to all people… “.
this speaks of a created being given to Mary … the Seal of Holiness … your brothers teach (something they can’t say about your exemplar, Muhammad, who was not holy). you apparently have not figured that the allah god of islam (unknowable, the best of all deceivers) is powerless to create life, let alone righteous life and holiness
you lie


somehistory says
Dec 24, 2018 at 6:34 pm

So, moslim smart-ali, “Whatever you find in a shambles, eat.” That includes pork.
Just “reading” the Bible doesn’t mean anything if the Scriptures don’t make a difference in your choices, your mental attitude, your actions. It is clear….he is still a moslim and doesn’t understand Who Jesus Christ is, he doesn’t follow Christ’s commands, nor Love as Jesus Loves.
It’s the molsim superiority complex and the psychopathy that causes these ones to “preach” to those whom they would gladly kill. First, attempt sending Christians on a guilt trip by using the Bible…”twisting the Scriptures” as their demonic father, satan the devil, did when trying to tempt Jesus
This moslim creep is serving spoiled bologna.
Christians should avoid his demon table. Even the demons know God and His Son live…and knowing, they shudder. And continue to deceive all whom they can. And so do their human slaves…lying, and lying without end.



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