Monday, February 19, 2018

MAGA-Ohio: Our First Major Meeting

MAGA-Ohio are a group of grassroots American Conservatives and allies who want to bring back Americanism in all spheres of life in contrast to the globalist powers that are trying to tear America apart and strip us of our rights and laws.  If you are interested in joining our planning committee, I suggest you come to our meeting at the Worthington Library on April 16th at 6:30pm EST. Here is the link to our page on Facebook: and Website:

Similar to CAIR-Ohio who promotes Democratic candidates (I am a former Executive Director for CAIR-Columbus and no longer support the organization for many reasons), MAGA-Ohio will be working to promote Republican Candidates who support the President's views of Making America Great Again.  Our group consists of a diverse group of people which includes people of various faiths and ethnicities who are united under the flag of the United States of America, Capitalism, Americanism, Freedom, Liberty, the English Language, and English American culture.

We support our Local and Federal Law Enforcement Agencies and welcome them to join us in our meetings as well.  Please come and let's Make America Great Again and keep our country a great place to live and prosper.

For more information you can email me at 

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