Saturday, April 20, 2013

BOSTON BOMBINGS: You can thank Saudi Arabia & Al-Qaeda's "Inspire" Magazine to launch these "Lone Wolves"

BOSTON BOMBINGS: You can thank Saudi Arabia & Al-Qaeda's "Inspire" Magazine to launch these "Lone Wolves"...Looks like I was 100% correct...Chechen Salafists (Saudi Funded Wahabist Terrorists). The older brother on his Youtube website in Russian called "Sufism" (what I enjoy) as 'Shirk' (making partners with Allah). They turned against their own culture in order to follow the Saudi version of Islam (Wahabism/Salafism) and their uncle just spoke to the media and the sister was asked "how do you feel about America?" The family denies knowing anything about their radicalization by the Saudi Wahabists. The uncle called his nephews cowards and wants to speak to the victims...sad. What is more troubling is Muslims turning against their heritage to adopt Saudi extremism as the "pure" Islam. BTW a good friend of mine told me about the fierce "Chechen Wahabis" that had left Sufism for Salafism and Terrorism. Been saying this for years...Boycott the Hajj and stop buying Oil from Saudi Arabia. Your Gas money and the money you pay the Saudis for the pilgrimage is funding this terror through their Al Al-Sheikh networks (Hybrid family between Saud-Wahab). Every Mufti of Saudi Arabia is an "Al Al-Sheikh" hybrid. Now do you see the reason why we must IDENTIFY WAHABISM?

Here is the Wahabist role model for the Boston Bombers....

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