Saturday, July 28, 2012

Companionship with Bad People

Companionship with bad people and evil-doers is the source of all sorts of wretchedness and misfortune. To clarify this matter, it suffices to say that if we ask the criminals and the evil-doers such as thieves and bandits the cause of their aberration and deviation, they will undoubtedly reply that the companionship and association with bad people have put them in such a situation. From among a thousand wicked and defiled people, not even one can be found who has chosen an indecent course of action deliberately.

Amir al-Mu'minin 'Ali (as), states: "Shun the companionship of bad people, for a bad friend makes you similar to himself. Unless he succeeds in this respect, he will not accept you as a friend."

'Ali (as) also states: "Avoid the friendship of an evildoer, for he will sell you for a trivial thing."

Associate less with bad people, for you will be distressed; since human nature is apt to acquire habits. 

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