Thursday, April 26, 2012

Ottomans Denouncing The Killers of Imam Hussain (as)

Where are the Ottomans when you need them...oh that's right, the Saudi Wahabi Extremists lead by the British Imperial officer T.E. Lawrence killed them!

Prince Mustafa sword Ceremony (Oath of the Turkmen) Şehzâde Mustafa'nın Kılıç Kuşanma Töreni (Türkmen)

Ottoman Sultan's Guard...The Janissaries (Shia Bektashi Sufis) denouncing Muawiyah in their duas Masallah! "Aye Muawiyah Ummati, aye dushman Muhammadi...Ya Ali!"

Translated means "Oh people of Muawiyah, oh enemies of Muhammad...oh Ali!"

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