Monday, May 17, 2010

Islamic Fashion For Women: Marketing to 1.5 Billion Muslim Consumers

Most western corporations usually produce products for western fashion trends , however they are missing out on a niche market which is made up of 1.5 billion consumers, which is of course is the world's ever exponentially increasing Muslims and to be more specific Muslim Women...  

Considering that we are hurting really bad in America in regards to manufacturing and production, we should have had our capitalist hats on this situation...instead, Turkey, Korea, Iran, Arab & Asian Countries, China and others are producing many products for the Islamic World.  This could have been our chance to get out of the downward economic spiral, however instead due to our right wing fundamentalists bad mouthing Muslims and putting them down for their race and religion, we will be all "back of the bus" on this opportunity for economic growth.

What should be noted is the rising power, influence, and importance of Turkey, which was traditionally the last strongest Empire in the Muslim world.  There have been many talks amongst the 1.5 billion Muslim population of the world in regards to an "Islamic Union" similar to the European Union, except for the fact that it would be all the Muslim majority countries of the world.  This of course would make it the largest world union if it was to take place.  The prosposed monetary unit has already been printed, which is called a "Dinar", based off of the old Dinar that was used from Spain to China in the "Golden Age" of Islam.

Now, this brings us to what do we as Americans do with such a global community of 1.5 billion people?  Do we keep demonizing them for the crimes of the few?  Do we keep pushing the old Crusader mantra that Muslims are evil Anti-Christ soldiers?  Do we keep treating Muslims like second class citizens?  If we want to lose our "Superpower" status, then we can join the right wing fundamentalists and call Muslims names and treat them poorly.  However, if we want to keep our place in the global society, we need to embrace Muslims with open arms so that we at least have a chance of a future in the world that we are not sanctioned by let's say the European Union, Asian Union, South American Union, African Union, and the emerging Islamic Union.  I remember listening to a lecture in Westminster College in Salt Lake City, Utah that covered this issue in depth and how the students were listening.  I hope that those students that were there with me listened well and will look towards a positive future and relationship with the worlds 1.5 billion Muslims.

As an American Muslim I would like to see the USA be at the forefront of business and global relations.  However, with dogmatic right wing fundamentalists we may be going into a new dark ages of inquisitions and Crusades. The choice is ours, do we as a nation follow hate mongers or our current administration and our current President that wants to help create a better America in an ever global world.  We are now like the Ottomans at the height of their power, before they became "The Sick Man of Europe".  We may become "The Sick Man of America".  Canada has already embraced it's Muslim population so much so that you can see "Halal" fried chicken in many Kentucky Fried Chickens, where are we on this massive niche market?  This could be the economic game changer.

Looking forward to a renewed America with traditonal yet progressive values of embracing the new and having an open mind...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great points! I actually just wrote an article on why U.S. companies should market to American Muslims, tp://