Saturday, April 24, 2010

Revolution Muslim: The Neo-Khawarij

Considering that Southpark is my favorite cartoon on TV, I thought I would defend the producers (Trey Parker and Matt Stone) of the show against the Neo-Khawarij with justice.  Something that I love about Southpark is that it is an equal opportunity comedic cartoon that portrays the world we live in with a grain of salt.    For people to take things to such extremes is doing a disservice to Islam and the Muslim community in the USA and abroad.  When I hear these extremists and what they say and do, I am ashamed they call themselves Muslims.  It is like criminals driving a Police Car.  The only way we as Muslims can combat this extremism and Neo-Kharijism is to educate both Muslims and Non-Muslims about traditional Sunni, Shia, and Sufi Islam.

Here is a clip that explains the Kharijites effect on contemporary Islam: 



What Revolution Muslim is doing would be no different than having a Muslim become a Fundamentalist Christian and then promote fiery evangelism and the ideologies of the "Hutaree" Militia. This is a very interesting dynamic, "Revolution Muslim" is run by the Ex-Israeli Jewish convert to Radical Islam and appears to be recruiting like minded people. The group itself is a modern day "Khawarij" that quotes Bin Laden & Al-Qaeda.  Coincidentally there are many Jews and Christians that convert to Islam, however they are normal people and many of them are very smart intellectuals.  Some very popular figures in the normal Islamic scene come from Jewish and Christian backrounds.  However, these fringe groups that make a mockery of Islam by producing extremist beliefs and products are a danger not only to Non-Muslims but to Muslims and Islam itself.  These people are misguided and think they are doing good, however in reality they are doing a lot of bad things against God.  Islam is a faith of peace and tolerance, so much so that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) allowed a pagan Arab to urinate in the Mosque and then explain to him what Islam is.  Once the Pagan Arab learned what it is and saw the tolerance of Islam, he converted to Islam and brought the rest of his tribe to Islam.  However, groups such as Revolution Muslim, Al-Qaeda, Taliban, etc.  hurt Islam and the Muslim community (Ummah).  

Here is a clip of the Neo-Khawarij Revolution Muslim on CNN: 

They Kharijites believed that the act of sinning is the same as Kufr (disbelief) and that every grave sinner was regarded as Kafir (disbeliever) unless he repents. With this argument, they denounced all the Ṣaḥābah they disagreed with and even cursed and used abusive language against them. Ordinary Muslims (Sunni & Shia) were also declared disbelievers because first, they were not free of sin; secondly they regarded the Ṣaḥābah they disagreed with as believers and considered them as religious leaders, even inferring Islamic jurisprudence from the Hadith narrated by them.  

The Neo-Khawarij are a modern manifestation of this intolerant extremist evangelical mindset.  

Here is a clip from a TV show produced by a Muslim producer called "The Cell", which speaks of the real threat and he says "some Muslims are trying to transform Islam for political purposes":

The permissibility of depictions of The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), the founder of Islam, has long been a concern in Islam's history. Oral and written descriptions are readily accepted by all traditions of Islam, but there is disagreement about visual depictions.
Illustration portraying Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) prohibiting intercalation. 17th century Ottoman copy of an early 14h century Persian illustration
The Qur'an does not explicitly forbid images of Muhammad, but there are a few hadith (supplemental traditions) which have explicitly prohibited Muslims from creating the visual depictions of figures under any circumstances. Most contemporary Sunni Muslims believe that visual depictions of the prophets generally should be prohibited, and they are particularly averse to visual representations of Muhammad. The key concern is that the use of images can encourage idolatry, where the image becomes more important than what it represents. In Islamic art, some visual depictions only show Muhammad with his face veiled, or symbolically represent him as a flame; other images, notably from Persia of the Ilkhanate, and those made under the Ottomans, show him fully.
Other Muslims have taken a more relaxed view. Most Shi'a scholars accept respectful depictions and use illustrations of Muhammad in books and architectural decoration, as have Sunnis at various points in the past. However, many Muslims who take a stricter view of the supplemental traditions, will sometimes challenge any depiction of Muhammad, including those created and published by non-Muslims.

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