Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Best Buy Wishes American Muslims a Happy Eid Al-Adha

Best Buy stands by its decision to wish U.S. Muslims a Happy Eid Al-Adha, a rep for the company said, and though some Best Buy customers took offense, a Muslim advocacy group praised the move...

finally, I feel that we are starting to make progress where you actually feel like part of the fabric of this country. Considering that there are an estimated 7 to 10 million American Muslims who should be next in line after Christians in numbers in the USA...this is a long time coming! Of course, when you read such wonderful reports that Muslims are being treated the way the Constitution teaches...you will have the right wing extremists jumping on this and attacking Best Buy for being a "Dhimmi". Well, considering that the USA is not an Islamic State, nobody can be a "Dhimmi" and those who write such things are "Dummis".

This feels like integration back during the Civil Rights era for African-Americans!...http://www.detnews.com/article/20091124/BIZ/911240428/1001

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