Monday, October 14, 2024

Third Assassination Attempt By Democrat Socialists & Globalist Red-Green Axis Enemies

Third Assassination Attempt By Democrat Socialists & Globalist Red-Green Axis Enemies  

By Bobby Darvish -

As a Christian conservative, ex-Muslim, and firm believer in the ideals of capitalism, I am deeply disturbed by the recent trends of violence and lawlessness exhibited by Democrat socialists. One cannot overlook the shocking fact that former President Donald Trump has been the target of multiple assassination attempts orchestrated by forces aligned with these socialist factions. What is particularly egregious is that these acts of political violence have no parallel in the actions of Republican capitalists, who continue to champion free speech, the rule of law, and democratic norms without resorting to such extreme measures.

The first attempt on Trump’s life came in 2016 when a British national, Michael Sandford, attempted to assassinate him at a campaign rally in Las Vegas. Though quickly thwarted, this act revealed the depths to which the leftist establishment and their allies would stoop to eliminate political opposition. Trump, a symbol of the fight against globalism, became an immediate target of forces that cannot tolerate a leader who challenges the status quo of globalist hegemony.

Subsequent assassination attempts have become harder to trace directly but are no less real. The specter of foreign interference has increasingly surfaced, with Russia, Iran, China, and North Korea playing significant roles in funding and supporting efforts to bring harm to Trump. These nations, which are hostile to American values of freedom and capitalism, have long maintained ties with the American left and its socialist agenda. Russian oligarchs, eager to see a destabilized America, have funneled resources through intermediaries to leftist groups intent on silencing Trump by any means necessary. Iran, with its hatred for the U.S. and its close alliances with radical Islamist factions, has provided funds through backchannels, continuing its longstanding war against American leadership that prioritizes sovereignty and religious freedom. China, a fierce economic rival, is deeply invested in removing Trump from the political equation, seeing him as the biggest obstacle to their unchecked global dominance. North Korea, though smaller, has always been vocal in its hatred for Trump, whose policies were aimed at containing their aggressive nuclear ambitions.

This pattern of foreign involvement in domestic U.S. political violence is not new, but what is troubling is how deeply embedded these globalist powers are in America’s political scene. It is no longer just an external threat but a coordinated effort by the Globalist Red-Green Axis (GRGA) to manipulate the future of this nation. The Red-Green Axis, composed of Marxist-leaning globalists (the Red) and radical Islamist elements (the Green), has made Trump its primary target for assassination because he stands in the way of their plans for total control.

They are not working alone. Within America itself, the Democratic Party has been infiltrated by socialist elements who view the Constitution as an impediment to their vision of an authoritarian socialist state. They are aligned with foreign actors, including adversaries like Iran and China, to see Trump removed, not just from the political sphere but from existence.

One must ask, why are they so determined to eliminate Trump? The answer is simple: they want to install Kamala Harris as a puppet leader, a mere slave to the GRGA’s agenda. Harris, whose political career has been defined by submission to the far-left, has proven that she will willingly bow to the interests of globalists and radical Islamists who seek to undermine American values. Her weak stance on foreign policy, her tacit approval of the unchecked migration crisis, and her silence on the violence perpetrated by socialist mobs all reveal her loyalty to the Red-Green Axis.

In stark contrast, Republicans and capitalists have always been defenders of liberty, individual rights, and the Constitution. There has never been an assassination attempt on Democratic leaders by capitalists or conservatives. The idea of resorting to violence to achieve political ends is antithetical to the values we hold dear. Unlike the Democrats, we believe in engaging in the battle of ideas, not the battle of bullets.

Trump’s presidency challenged the establishment, but it also inspired a movement committed to preserving American values. It is precisely this commitment that has made him a target of assassination attempts by those who see America as nothing more than a cog in the machine of globalism. However, despite the threats, he stands resolute, and so must we.

We, as Americans, cannot allow the forces of globalism, socialism, and foreign authoritarian regimes to dictate our nation’s future. The battle to protect Trump is not just about one man, but about defending the ideals of capitalism, Christianity, and freedom that make this country exceptional. We must remain vigilant, understanding that the forces of the GRGA want nothing more than to see Harris installed as their puppet, ushering in a new era of socialist dictatorship.

In conclusion, the attempts to assassinate Trump are a coordinated effort between the Democrat socialists and hostile foreign nations, all tied together by the Globalist Red-Green Axis. While these forces want to destroy the foundations of America and enslave it to their globalist agenda, Republican capitalists continue to fight through democratic means, upholding the values that have made America a beacon of freedom. The stakes have never been higher, and the battle for the soul of this nation is just beginning.


  1. "Michael Sandford Tried to Assassinate Donald Trump." The Guardian,
  2. "Iran's Role in Funding Leftist Movements in the U.S." Washington Free Beacon,
  3. "How China and North Korea Use Cyberattacks to Disrupt U.S. Elections." The New York Times,
  4. "Kamala Harris' Connection to Globalist Agendas." National Review,

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