Thursday, October 17, 2024

The WOKE Left's DEATH Pact with ISLAM - Tommy Robinson

The WOKE Left's DEATH Pact with ISLAM - Tommy Robinson

By Bobby Darvish - 

As an Iranian-American ex-Muslim and a Christian, I have observed with increasing concern the troubling alliance between the WOKE Left and radical Islam. This partnership not only undermines Western values but also poses a significant threat to the very fabric of our society. In this article, I will explore the implications of this alliance and why it is essential to recognize its dangers.

The WOKE Left, with its focus on identity politics, social justice, and political correctness, has inadvertently aligned itself with a group that fundamentally opposes the freedoms and rights that many of us hold dear. By promoting the narrative that Islamophobia is a major issue while ignoring the oppressive realities faced by women and religious minorities under Islamic regimes, the WOKE Left has engaged in a dangerous act of denial. This denial not only shields radical elements within Islam but also hinders legitimate conversations about the dangers posed by extremist ideologies.

Tommy Robinson, a prominent critic of radical Islam, has aptly described this alliance as a “death pact.” His assertion highlights the willingness of the WOKE Left to overlook the violent and oppressive aspects of Islamic doctrine in favor of their agenda of social justice. This is evident in how the Left often defends radical Islamic figures while attacking those who speak out against their ideology. For example, the treatment of figures like Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who courageously speaks out against the misogyny prevalent in some interpretations of Islam, contrasts sharply with the lionization of individuals who promote Sharia law and its oppressive tenets.

This alliance is not just theoretical; it manifests in real-world consequences. The WOKE Left’s insistence on multiculturalism often leads to the celebration of cultural practices that are fundamentally at odds with Western values. We see this in the growing acceptance of practices like female genital mutilation (FGM) and honor killings in the name of cultural sensitivity. By ignoring the harm these practices inflict, the WOKE Left betrays the very women and marginalized groups they claim to champion.

Moreover, the infiltration of radical Islamic ideology into our educational institutions and public discourse cannot be overlooked. The use of critical race theory and intersectionality has created an environment where legitimate criticisms of Islam are labeled as racist or bigoted. This has led to a chilling effect, where individuals fear repercussions for expressing dissenting views on Islam, thus allowing radical narratives to flourish unchallenged.

As someone who has escaped the clutches of radicalism, I feel a responsibility to call out this alliance. The values of freedom, individualism, and the sanctity of human life that are fundamental to Christianity and Western civilization are being eroded. The WOKE Left’s embrace of radical Islam serves only to empower those who wish to destroy these values.

It is imperative that we recognize this alliance for what it is: a grave threat to our freedoms and our way of life. We must reject the false narratives that portray criticisms of Islam as Islamophobia and instead foster open and honest discussions about the dangers of radical ideologies. Only then can we begin to dismantle the dangerous partnership that threatens the future of our societies.

In conclusion, the WOKE Left's death pact with radical Islam is a critical issue that we can no longer afford to ignore. As an Iranian-American ex-Muslim Christian, I stand firm in my belief that we must confront these ideologies head-on to protect our freedoms and values. We owe it to ourselves, to the generations that follow, and to those who continue to suffer under oppressive regimes, to speak out against this troubling alliance.


  1. Robinson, Tommy. Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill for Islam. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2012.
  2. Hirsi Ali, Ayaan. Infidel. Free Press, 2007.
  3. Lewis, Bernard. Islam and the West. Oxford University Press, 1993.
  4. Pipes, Daniel. "The Danger of Radical Islam." National Review, 2001.
  5. MacEoin, Daniel. "The Truth About Islam." Middle East Quarterly, 2018.

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