Tuesday, October 22, 2024

My Wish Before I Die: The Fall of the Islamic Republic and Its Allies

 My Wish Before I Die: The Fall of the Islamic Republic and Its Allies

By Bobby Darvish – darvishintelligence.blogspot.com

As an Iranian-American ex-Muslim and Christian conservative, I have a burning desire that fuels me every day: to witness the fall of the Islamic Republic of Iran and its Islamist and Communist allies, both globally and here in the United States. My life has been a journey of escaping the chains of Islamism and finding freedom in Christ, and with it, a deep conviction to see an end to the regimes and ideologies that oppress my people and threaten liberty worldwide.

I was born into a secular Iranian family but embraced Islam during my younger years. By 2013, I left Islam, and in 2019, I became a Christian. This transformation gave me a new lens through which to view the world. I see the Islamist and Communist threat not only as a danger to freedom in Iran but also to the very fabric of liberty in the United States. The red-green axis—the unholy alliance between Islamists and Communists—has gained ground both internationally and within our own borders, seeking to dismantle Western values and freedom.

The Islamic Republic: A Regime Built on Oppression

The Islamic Republic of Iran, established in 1979, represents everything I stand against. It is a theocratic dictatorship that silences dissent, murders dissidents, and brutally oppresses religious minorities, women, and those who dare to speak out. This regime has funded terrorism across the Middle East, extending its influence through proxies like Hezbollah, and continues to destabilize the region.

Millions of Iranians, including myself, have been exiled or fled from the regime’s authoritarian rule. We’ve watched our homeland suffer under the tyranny of the Ayatollahs for decades. My greatest hope is that I will live to see the end of this cruel regime, just as the people of Iran have started to rise up against it. The protests in recent years, like the Green Movement in 2009 and the ongoing demonstrations against mandatory hijabs and human rights abuses, have shown the world that the Iranian people yearn for freedom .

The Global Threat of Islamism and Communism

However, the problem doesn't stop with Iran. Islamism, as an ideology, has spread far beyond the borders of the Middle East, penetrating even into the West. Meanwhile, its unlikely ally, Marxism, with its anti-Western, anti-capitalist stance, has aligned itself with Islamist forces to undermine Western democracy and values.

In America, we have seen the rise of progressive politicians and movements that openly sympathize with Islamist causes while espousing Marxist ideologies. This red-green alliance has permeated our political landscape, leading to policies and attitudes that threaten individual rights, freedom of speech, and religious liberty. The Democratic Party, in particular, has embraced policies that favor socialism and undermine the foundational principles of American freedom .

Many Iranian-Americans, like myself, have watched in horror as the party that once stood for liberty has become complicit with globalist agendas and Islamist causes. The rise of far-left politicians like Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, who openly support the BDS (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions) movement against Israel and are soft on Iran, is deeply troubling . They represent a faction within the Democratic Party that aligns more with the interests of America’s enemies than with the values of the Founding Fathers.

The Battle for America’s Soul

My fear is that if we don’t wake up to this alliance, the very essence of America—the land of the free and the home of the brave—will be destroyed. The red-green axis has infiltrated our educational institutions, media, and politics, sowing seeds of division and eroding the foundations of liberty. Under leaders who subscribe to Marxist-Islamist ideologies, we risk seeing America transformed into something unrecognizable.

For those of us who escaped the tyranny of the Islamic Republic, the parallels are chilling. The radical left in America uses the same tactics of suppression that we witnessed under the Ayatollah: silencing dissent through cancel culture, promoting victimhood and division, and seeking to control speech and thought through political correctness and authoritarianism.

As an Iranian-American ex-Muslim Christian, I see it as my duty to stand for the principles that make America great—faith, freedom, and individual responsibility. It is these values that the global red-green alliance despises and seeks to destroy. But just as I have hope for the fall of the Islamic Republic, I also have hope for America.

Conclusion: My Wish Before I Die

Before I die, I wish to see two things: the fall of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the defeat of the red-green alliance globally and here in the USA. The world cannot afford to let these oppressive ideologies continue to flourish. The Iranian people deserve freedom, and so do the American people. Our freedoms, whether in Iran or in the West, are worth fighting for.

As someone who has lived under the shadow of Islamism and found light in Christ, I believe in the power of faith and freedom to overcome tyranny. It’s not too late to turn the tide. Together, we can stand up against the forces that seek to divide and oppress us, and we can restore the values that make both America and the free world great.

It is my prayer that the fall of the Islamic Republic and the collapse of the Marxist-Islamist alliance will happen in my lifetime. Until then, I will continue to fight, speak out, and advocate for liberty. I will not rest until I see these oppressive forces crumble, and freedom reign.


  1. The New York Times. "Iran Protests: How the Largest Demonstrations in 40 Years Unfolded." December 31, 2019.
  2. Amnesty International. "Iran: Brutal Repression of Protests Leaves Hundreds Dead." November 25, 2019.
  3. The Washington Examiner. "The Marxist-Islamist Red-Green Axis Threatens American Freedom." August 15, 2023.
  4. National Review. "The Islamist Sympathies of Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib." January 12, 2020.

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