Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Stepan Bandera and the Waffen-SS in Ukraine During WWII: Historical Context and Contemporary Implications

The history of Ukraine during World War II is a complex and controversial topic, with various factions and figures playing significant roles. One such figure is Stepan Bandera, a Ukrainian nationalist leader who, at one point, collaborated with the Waffen-SS against Soviet forces. This article aims to provide historical context and examine the contemporary implications of Bandera's legacy in Ukraine.

1. Stepan Bandera: A Complex Figure

Stepan Bandera was a prominent leader of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), a nationalist and separatist movement that sought independence for Ukraine. Bandera's actions during WWII are a subject of debate. While he initially sought support from Nazi Germany to achieve Ukrainian independence, he later clashed with the Nazis over their refusal to grant Ukraine full sovereignty.

2. Collaboration with the Waffen-SS

In 1941, when Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union, Bandera saw an opportunity to advance Ukrainian interests. He declared Ukraine's independence and sought military support from Nazi Germany. Some OUN members joined the Waffen-SS units to fight against Soviet forces. However, Bandera's collaboration with the Nazis was short-lived, as he soon realized that their goal was not Ukrainian independence but rather the occupation of Ukraine.

3. Bandera's Imprisonment and Legacy

After falling out of favor with the Nazis, Bandera was arrested and imprisoned. Despite his controversial past, he remained a symbol of Ukrainian nationalism and resistance to Soviet rule. Bandera was released from prison after the war but was assassinated by a KGB agent in 1959. He is still celebrated by some Ukrainians as a hero who fought for Ukrainian independence.

4. Contemporary Implications

Bandera's legacy remains divisive in contemporary Ukraine. While some view him as a national hero who fought for Ukrainian independence, others condemn his collaboration with the Nazis and the OUN's involvement in war crimes against Jews and Poles. The debate over his legacy is often intertwined with broader discussions about Ukrainian nationalism and identity.

5. Russia's Use of Bandera's Legacy

Russia has consistently portrayed Bandera and the OUN as Nazi collaborators and used this narrative to undermine Ukraine's sovereignty. Russian propaganda often paints Ukrainian nationalists as fascist extremists, seeking to discredit Ukraine's pro-European aspirations.

6. Ukraine's Struggle for Identity

Ukraine's struggle for national identity is deeply entwined with its complex history during WWII. While many Ukrainians reject the extremist elements of Bandera's legacy, they still seek recognition of Ukraine's struggle for independence. Balancing this historical narrative with the need to address past atrocities remains a challenge for Ukraine.


The history of Stepan Bandera and the OUN during WWII is a contentious and multifaceted one. Bandera's collaboration with the Waffen-SS, while short-lived, has left a lasting impact on Ukraine's historical narrative and contemporary politics. Understanding this complex history is essential for anyone seeking to grasp the nuances of Ukraine's ongoing struggle for identity and independence.

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