Saturday, January 18, 2020


The time has come for Iranian people to realize that Islamic Republic of Iran is a despotic, occupier, and an evil regime that tries to destroy Iranian people and their culture and civilization. For the Islamic Republic Government of Iran to stay in power, it is easy to kill, imprison, and torture as many citizens as possible in order to keep everybody quiet and obeying. Iranian people should be conscious and aware that the same way that during the first revolution a bunch of Marxist, socialist and communist groups united with a group of fanatic back warded clergies and their associates cooperated with each other with the foreign influences to overthrow the rightful government of Mohammed Reza Shah Pahlaviright at the eve of evolving and transforming toan advanced industrialized society. The governments of Reza Shah Pahlavi during sixteen yearsalready transformed Iranian society from a bac-warded third world country to a modern advanced society with new social, economic, political, educational organization along with an advanced infrastructure including railroads, highways, and bridges all across the country to facilitate transportation for Iranian people. Examples are Veresk Bridge for trains to be able to pass from a mountain to the next and Tunnel of Kandovan and many others Tunnels across the country.
In addition to facilitating transportation for people, Reza Shah established elementary, secondary schools and colleges including the famous University of Tehran for Iranian young generations to be educated. Many new medical establishments and hospital have been constructed and school of Nursing as well as physicians has been educated to satisfy the medical needs of Iranian People. A formal military organization has been established for defending the country and a mandatory military service for young men who would turn eighteen years of age. Police departments were created to maintain the security of citizens in different cities. Several army and Police colleges and universities have been established. The equality of right for men and women has been created and for the first time both men and women began to receive education and work in different departments in the country. Reza Shah also ordered women to take their back warded covers that belonged to Arab cultures and walk in normal outfit in the streets, schools and colleges as well as at work places. There are many other new institutions and organizations that have been established by Reza Shah the great which pushed Iranian society forward and created a modern Iran.
During the Mohammed Reza Shah Government in Iran many other innovations have been introduced, Iranian Oil has been nationalized and foreign intervention in Iranian internal affairs has been reduced which cost some foreign countries such as British Government millions of Dollars. Thus, the same way that they tried to get rid of Reza shah the great, they tried to get rid of the Mohammed Reza shah. In fact, British government tried to assassinate the Shah several times. Then, British Government and some other countries such as France and others prepared Khomeini a back warded clergy that hated Iran, Iranian People, and the Monarchy to come to Iran and completely destroy Iranian people their culture and civilization., Even to this date under the government t of Islamic Republic of Iran and its uneducated, cruel, and evil leader, they are trying to further destroy Iranian culture for the sake of man- made religion of Islam, influenced by a back warded culture of Arabs, that bring nothing but war, jihad and destruction of human civilization. If we study countries that Islam is ruling over people, you see that people don’t have their freedom. They are back warded and poor. The only reason they stayed in power is their natural resources. If the natural resources are gone these societies will turn into deserts, ruins and nothing.
Iranian people are victims of Islamic Government of Iran which tried to use the laws of fourteen hundred years ago in modern time and stopped Iranian people from advancing toward modernism and a happy life with freedom, democracy and dignity. The main problem in Iran is the intervention of religious beliefs that are not in line with modern society and its natural evolution and stop people from innovations, creativity and advancement. The only solution for people of Iran to have their freedom, human rights, and dignity is a new real revolution.However, Iranian people should be smart and alert that now that this revolution is under way and the train of revolution already started its engine, they should try to put it on the right path and do not deviate from it which means Iranian people should not let their new real revolution to be confiscated by enemies of Iranian people and their associates like the first revolution.
We should distinguish between the processes of change within the Islamic system of government and the processes of the system itself in general. Islamic Republic of Islam as a government has not been able to create any positive reforms or changes within forty years of being in power without any adaptive upgrading or adaptive capacity. Islamic Government of Iran inherited many social institutions and organizations with thousands of economic establishments and industrial establishments. But instead of upgrading these establishments, they only continued to obtain incomes without even improving anything within those establishments. After a while many factories and industrial establishments which were managed under several revolutionary organizations such as Jihad SazandegiBoninyad Mostazafan, etc., went out of business. Many factories, housing units, and industrial establishments were confiscated and sold to people who were supporting the so called revolutionary government. But those people, who were not experts, didn’t care about those factories and finally they had to close them.
Social Movements which was necessary to occur within Iranian society to change the behavior of the Islamic Republic of Iran has not happened. Social movements can be the source of great dismay and could be considered by the government the source of unjustified disruption and government which is comfortable with the status que, tries to use forces of anti-rebellion, PloiceBesige and members of Sepah-e-Pasdaran to suppress the social movement. Iranian scattered, less organized, less structured is only a collective behavior that is short term and could not be effective. In order for a collective behavior to be effective, Iranian people should be united, organized, structured and be oriented toward a major change in society and go after the whole social government order in order to overthrow the unwanted regime. There should be different levels of leadership and followers following the same ideology. The clearer the authority structure within the collective group structure, the more organized the social movement. 
The time for reform is long overdue. Now is the time for a radical change because it requires the change of the political, social and economic system of theocratic Islamic Government which is not able to create a relaxed, advanced and modern society due to their ancient ideology of Islam that could be partially effective in Saudi Arabia not in Iran which was modernized during Pahlavi Dynasty including both the Reza Shah the great and Mohaamed Reza Shah. This radical change should occur in all segments of Iranian Society. A radical change in the autocratic system is called revolution.
Since the Islamic Republic of Iran was not able to create right reforms due to putting non-expert and uneducated and incompetent people over different organization, most productive economic establishment were destroyed and economy of the country went down the drain.  Because of shutting down most economic establishments and factories, people became unemployed and without income. Incompetent and white color crime significantly increased and people who were over different revolutionary organizations began to embezzle, steal money and send it to banks outside the country. When government does not create positive reform to prevent or to eliminate social problems, and citizens are mostly unemployed and without income, poverty level increases and it becomes non-tolerable for people, then the only way people could get out of their miserable daily life is a new revolution.
New revolution in Iran will come out of social and economic imbalances, oppression, and frustrated expectation, as well as wrong and back warded religious leadership, contagious  political ideology, mass reaction to social environmental inequality, and becoming aware of their miserable fate. People who are witnessing each other’s misery, poverty, hunger, and being persecuted for artificially labeled crimes, without engaging in any wrong doing, gradually become aware that Islamic Government of Iran is not friend or supporter of the people and its plan is to suppress people and to keep them obeying. The character of the Islamic Republic of Iran makes the new bloody revolution inevitable. The incompetency of the Government Officials and religious leadership, the corruption of the government, the brutality of the guards, police and Besiege; the regime’s neutrality and indifference to the basic needs of the people for education, medical care, housing; social justice; employment and economic opportunities are all an invitation to uprising and bloody revolution. Thus Iran is ripe for a new revolution as I mentioned in my previous article.
The major factors that we should consider as precipitating factors for occurrence of a bloody revolution in Iran are: 
(1) Sharp class conflict:  Growing polarization between rich and poor. Conflict between the high and middle class clergy groups and high level authorities of Guards, Besige and Army, who took over millions and billions of dollars of money that belonged to Iranian people. 
(2) Bankrupted economy: Due to US sanctions and lack of ability of Islamic Government to export oil and gas, Iran’s revenue from the sales of oil and gas was significantly decreased from 12.5 million barrel a day to 200,000.00 barrel a day which crippled the economy of Iran and tied the government authorities hands.
(3) Economic Insecurity of the workers, employees, drivers, teachers across the country who either became unemployed or those who are still working they don’t receive their pays on time to the point that some have not been paid for months.
(4) Governmental and military organizations are becoming incapacitated and broken down, partially because the revolutionary organizations had never fully achieved stability and partly because they were unresponsive to the economic problems posed by a declining oil economy, a problem which had bred dissatisfaction at almost every level of Iranian society.
(5) Structural Strains: the existence of ambiguities, deprivations, tensions, conflicts, and discrepancies among different departments of the Islamic Government and people of Iran in general such as poverty, unemployment, group conflict, and threat of war.
(6) Growth and spread of generalized beliefs which include the source of strain nandpeople’s suggestion for solutions to these problems.
(7) Politically, Iran is an immature society with weak and unstable institutions, organizations and establishments that have not been able to satisfy people’s needs.
(8) Non-political institutions fell into the similar mold. All failed to provide a basis for unity for Iranian fragmented society due to different ethnic groups, people of different religions, or nationalities have not been treated equally.
(9) The intelligence agencies suppressed people of other religion, nationalists, and those who were supporting to have a positive relationship with other countries. They formed a bitter, restless, and alienated majority in Iranian society, which don’t wish to continue living under such an evil government.
(10) Iranian people already had a taste of pervious revolution that has been unsuccessful due to being confiscated by Marxist-Islamic groups. Thus, Iranian people still want to complete their unfinished revolution.
(11) Iranian Government brought in many different groups of mercenaries such as foreign members of Hezbollah from Lebanon, and Iraq, Members of Hashad Shaabi from Iraq, members of Hamas from Palestine, Fatemioon from Afghanistan, Mercenaries from Chechnia, and many other foreign mercenaries to suppress and even kill the Iranian nationalists inside Iran.
(12) The leader of Iran, Khamenei, his sons and other members of leadership group embezzled and stole billions of Dollars and deposited those money in foreign banks and also bought real states, built refineries, universities, housing units, etc. in other countries under their own names so that after they escape from the country, they could spend those money.
(13) The money and income from different Iranian organizations, factories as well as oil and gas revenue are being spent for Khamenei’s ambitious ideals of expanding Islamic revolution to other middle Eastern and African Countries, instead of spending these money on Iranian People.
(14) Iranian society in general is an oppressed and depressed society and most citizens are hopeless, helpless, and worthless due to being treated with disrespect within the past forty years. That is why many young individuals are depressed, addicted to substances, commit suicide or became highly neutral and many try to migrate out of Iran with the hope of a better life situation. But even that is being prevented by Islamic Republic of Iran, Sepah-e-Pasdaran shooting a passenger plan with 176 passenger out of which 144 were Iranian some citizen of Iran, some citizen of Canada and others citizen of other countries. Among these people who were killed by Sepah-e-Pasdaran, 18 individuals were graduates of Industrial University of Sharif which educate elite groups.
(15) Iranian people have developed major anxiety or group anxiety due to be worried for their unknown future and fear of losing everything they possess. That is the main reason for out migration from Iran which started at the beginning of the so called revolution and continued to this date and will continue as long as the cruel Islamic Republic Government of Iran is in power in Iran.
(16) Authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran arte full of superstitions and could be diagnosed as having mass delusions which try to transfer it to their own uneducated, ignorant supporters who are thinking Khamenei and his charlatan cliques would bring the Mahdi or Messiah to save Islamic people. The authorities and high officials are appropriating all the wealth and money to themselves and cash them at present time, while they give their followers the promise of the future, coming of the Mahdi and a false promise of going to paradise with plenty of beautiful women and natural resources, while they could do the opposite by providing Iranian people with the power, prestige and privileges and wealth they deserve in this world when they really need it and if they are right they should wait to go to paradise and have all those goodies. Problem is that they already know that it is them who will be in the middle of hell if there is existence of hell is possible. Authorities of Islamic Republic of Iran are already in the middle of the Hell in this world due to their corruption, cruelty, stealing, embezzlement and denying Iranian citizens with their natural human right and their natural resources. Speaker of the great Satan, Khamenei is already promising people that they will bring the Mahdi or Messiah very soon so they should be satisfied with their miserable life and poverty, while high level religious people, and high level army or military people and their families are experiencing a luxurious life style.
(17) The authorities of Islamic Republic of Iran have a mass cognitive distortion or error in their thinking which their internal ego or internal evil has taken over and does not give them a chance to be unified with their internal consciousness, energy, light or God and let God work through them. Mental selves, egos or internal evil s are full of cognitive distortions, error in thinking, negative emotions and excitement and superstitious thinking that deviates their mind to act as great Satan and representative of evil.
(18) The members of religious, fanatic, and superstitious clergies have a very low emotional intelligence which means they never developed a sense of sympathy or empathy and consequently, they never were able to identify their own emotions or even to understand their own emotions. The problem is for people who are not able to identify their own emotion or understand it, they would not be able to identify or understand other people emotions. Thus, they develop some psychopathic traits that they easily arrest, torture, and kill innocent people without being bothered by their own criminal behaviors.
For Iranian people to feel safe, relax, and secure, this despotic regime full of corruption, cruelty, and destructive power, has to go. Due to lack of any social economic reform and being sanctioned by foreign powers, and the destruction of Iranian economy and major dissatisfaction of Iranian people, revolution is inevitable. But people of Iran have two choices: One civil disobedience, passive –aggressive conduct which gradually crippling the Government organizations and institutions and are already being practiced, and the last resort is a bloody revolution. Problem is that the religious, fanatic, and superstitious Government of Islamic Republic which came to power with the help of Iranian people turned against its own citizens, right after the revolution became successful.
Iranian citizens, who already experience one major revolution and are familiar with many other successful revolutions, should take action as soon as possible to overthrow the despotic and oppressive Islamic Government of Iran which uses the name of Islam for their wrong doings and does not even care about their own religion. Examples of some revolutions are:Cuban revolution, French revolution, Russian revolution, Chinese revolution, Russian revolution, Algerian revolution, Indian civil disobedience, and many more. Iranian whichhave not read the book or seen the video of the “Animal Farm” written by George Orwellshould read the book or see the movie or video that is in an animated form. It explains a social situation that could be related to most revolutions particularly Iranian first revolution and the new upcoming revolution which is already under way. IN this video and animated movie, the farmer represents the previous government of the Shah; the pigs stands for the despotic, cruel clergies; the white pig stands for Khomeini; and the dark pig represent Khamenei, the current religious leader; the nine dogs represents the Guard (Sepah-e Pasdaran) and Besiege; The crow represents the intelligentsia or Savama or ministry of information, and ducks represent the government speakers. All other animals are the masseswhich blindly follow the religious clergies.
Mobilization of Iranian participants for action include the organization of people into a collective actors engaging in a collective behavior of uprising, resistance and crippling of the government controlling force such as the army, police,  or government as well as established community leaders, the press, and religious authorities which are elements of constraints and social control. Some of the resources that must be assembled to achieve social movement goal and collective behaviors are: money, people, defensive devices, machines, mass media, organization, technical skills, and power. Some of the stages of collective behaviors are:
(1) The preliminary stage of mass excitement that could be created by an emotional speaker.
(2) The second stage of crowd (Collective) excitement and unrest which should be cumulative and as more as people could participate.
(3) The formal stage of formulation of issues and formation of publics, posters which provide slogans, and give more awareness to the public.
(4) Stage of legalization and establishment of social organization
(5) People should use social media, telephone, computer, internet, people contacting each other in many new ways, fliers, posters, writing on the walls, etc. are some example of people communicating with other people to create a better collective behavior. Creating major traffic jams, cocktail Molotov, oil, gas, substances that makes street sleeper, burning wheels and other combustive material are all effective ways of crippling the controlling army and police groups. People should use protective gears and devices to protect themselves from getting hurt. People should stick together in groups of five people one person should be the leader of the group and everyone should follow his/her instruction. 
Iranian People should remember what they did in the first revolution. Use the same strategies but this time with better technologies. The Islamic Republic Government leader, Khamenei who is servant of Arab Culture and uses income from the Iranian natural resources for himself, his family and supporters inside Iran and pays the mercenaries of Arab countries to help him stay in power, has to be overthrown so that Iranian people could obtain the money from their own natural resources and spend it in Iran while maintaining their nationalistic culture and civilization that is being threatened to be destroyed by the treater Islamic Government of Iran.

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