Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Intelligence Briefing: Current Situation Regarding the Globalist Red-Green Axis and its Supporters in the USA

Date: 7.3.2024


The globalist Red-Green Axis represents a strategic alliance between socialist democrat factions and their allies who advocate for internationalist policies, economic globalization, and progressive social agendas. This alliance is characterized by a convergence of interests among various groups, including leftist political entities, environmentalist movements, and transnational corporations. Darvish Intelligence assesses the current situation regarding their activities and influence within the United States.

Key Actors and Groups:

  1. Socialist Democrats (SD): The core proponents of the globalist Red-Green Axis within the USA, SD factions align with socialist principles and advocate for policies promoting income equality, social justice, and expanded government intervention. Key figures include prominent politicians, activists, and think tanks promoting globalist agendas.

  2. Environmentalists and Climate Activists: Allies of the SD, environmentalist groups emphasize climate change mitigation, sustainability, and renewable energy policies. They often collaborate with SD factions to influence domestic and international policy decisions.

  3. Transnational Corporations (TNCs): Large corporations play a dual role within the Red-Green Axis, balancing profit-driven objectives with corporate social responsibility initiatives. TNCs support globalist policies that facilitate market expansion, labor mobility, and environmental regulations favorable to their business interests.

Current Assessment:

  1. Political Influence: SD factions wield considerable influence within the Democratic Party, advocating for policies such as Medicare for All, Green New Deal initiatives, and stricter regulations on corporate entities. Their influence extends to legislative agendas, party platforms, and grassroots mobilization efforts.

  2. Media and Cultural Influence: Media outlets sympathetic to the Red-Green Axis amplify narratives on social justice, climate change, and global cooperation. Cultural influencers and academic institutions aligned with these ideologies shape public opinion and promote progressive agendas.

  3. Globalist Agendas: The Red-Green Axis promotes internationalist policies, including support for multilateral institutions, global governance frameworks, and immigration reforms. These agendas aim to diminish national sovereignty in favor of supranational authority and cross-border integration.

Challenges and Risks:

  1. Political Opposition: Resistance from conservative and nationalist factions poses challenges to the implementation of globalist policies. Efforts to combat nationalist sentiment and protect globalist gains require strategic maneuvering and coalition-building among allied groups.

  2. Economic Realities: The economic impact of globalist policies, such as trade agreements and environmental regulations, remains a contentious issue. Tensions between economic growth objectives and environmental sustainability goals may strain the alliance within the Red-Green Axis.

  3. Security Implications: The integration of globalist policies may raise concerns regarding national security, border control, and the influence of foreign actors in domestic affairs. Mitigating security risks requires enhanced intelligence capabilities and diplomatic engagement.


Darvish Intelligence assesses that the globalist Red-Green Axis and its supporters in the USA, particularly within socialist democrat factions and allied groups, present a formidable force advocating for internationalist policies and progressive agendas. Understanding their influence, objectives, and operational dynamics is critical for navigating geopolitical challenges and safeguarding national interests.


  1. Monitor and analyze political developments within the Democratic Party and allied organizations.
  2. Enhance intelligence gathering on transnational corporate activities and their influence on policy decisions.
  3. Strengthen strategic partnerships with allied intelligence agencies to counteract foreign influence and security threats.


  • Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) website and publications.
  • Environmental organizations’ advocacy reports and policy briefs.
  • Corporate sustainability reports and industry analyses.
  • Media coverage and academic studies on globalist ideologies and alliances.

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